By Michael Yolles

In 1982, Albert W. McCollough’s book The Complete Book of Buddy “L” Toyswas published. He began the Story of Buddy “L” as follows:
“There is something special about Buddy “L” Toys that is unmatched by any others, it is their unique appeal that has endeared them to children, parents, and collector’s for decades. Partly this is because they were the first heavy steel toys and the first to combine high quality, realistic operation, amazing durability, and innovative design in a line of playthings that offered limitless entertainment for their young owners. They could be ridden, pulled, loaded, unloaded; they could put out fires, or they could dig ditches, screen sand, carry rocks and mix actual concrete.”
Beyond all that, their appeal rests on something else, almost a personality. To be sure they bore a personal kind of name, Buddy “L”, a name that belonged to a real boy. They were conceived, manufactured and advertised by Buddy “L”‘s Daddy. He was a man who wanted better toys for his own son and who succeeded in making […]