• Do you enjoy being around objects that delight your eye, excite your imagination and reawaken childhood memories?
  • Do you appreciate design and craftsmanship from an earlier time?  Enjoy seeing old toys preform their playful movements?
  • Do you enjoy attending toy auctions and toy shows?  Do you frequent antique shops and flea markets and meet with toy dealers?
  • Do you enjoy the fun of the search; the quest to find that one toy?
  • Do you enjoy learning the origin of a toy by researching toy manufacturers, collecting old catalogs and advertising, and finding old photos of once prolific toy manufacturers?
  • Do you enjoy integrating your toy collection into the interior deign of your home? How many other homes have antiques toy on display?
  • Do you enjoy technology – the fun of having your collection on your smart phone or iPad, in addition to being displayed at home?
  • Do you enjoy sharing your toy collecting knowledge with others and learning even more from other toy collectors?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then the Antique Toy Collector of America is where you belong. Here you can distinguish yourself among a rarefied group of collectors.  Simply click on the last link on the sidebar to fill out a membership request form and we will reach out to you to start the process.